Monday, May 5, 2014

Fabian Nacer comes to Graded and talks to students about Drug Abuse

In March and April, Fabian Nacer, a consultant for the Prevention of Drugs and Alcohol Use, came to speak about teenage drug use, to all of the Grade 9 and 10 students in their Health and Physical Education classes.  Fabian grew up in Sao Paulo, in the neighborhood of Moema, and attended a private school.   As a teen, he began experimenting with a wide range of drugs, including alcohol, marijuana and cocaine.   He moved to the USA and when he returned to Brazil, and his addiction to cocaine and crack progressed, he eventually lived on the streets of Sao Paolo for six years, including the area colloquially known as ‘’Cracolândia.’’  After undergoing multiple rehab interventions, he finally overcame his drug addiction and today, he visits schools and institutions throughout Sao Paulo, as a specialist on drug addiction prevention.  His detailed descriptions of his traumas and survival related to drug abuse, were extremely riveting for the Grade 9 and 10 students.  Students openly asked Fabian multitudes of questions throughout his classroom discussions.  Fabian spoke to students about the addiction process and how his behavior and habits with alcohol and marijuana use influenced his experimentation with other drugs.  He also spoke about how drug use can change family and friendships, and the ability to enjoy other activities in life.  Most importantly, he spoke to students about how drug use can affect one emotionally, socially and physically.  By relating his own experiences, he challenged students about their own perspectives related to drug use, including the use of alcohol, marijuana and other illegal drugs. For more information about Fabian’s work, please visit his website.

We plan to continue working with Fabian in the future so that this experience becomes a regular component of our health and wellness program.

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