Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Digital Tattoos: Parents vs. Students

Early on in the semester we surveyed the students during a flex assembly to find out their views on their online habits. Just recently we asked parents the same questions. Here is what the groups said.
The majority in all groups are relatively cautious but 83% of the parents are "very cautious".
40% of the parents report that they are "non-existent" online and only 13% say that it is "not something I worry about" There are big discrepancies between students and parents on this item. 
Very few students and parents are concerned about cyberbullying. Most are worried about identity theft and 79% of parents are worried about this.
There is general agreement across the board that it's "manageable" to take care of online identity. 
While there is consensus that file sharing is illegal, 43% of parents are totally against the practice, while only 2% of the 11th graders and 6% of the 10th graders agree with this statement.

Finally, many students and parents feel that uploading photos is "risky"

What are you thoughts on these results? Anything that surprises you? 

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