Saturday, February 22, 2014

What Parents Should Know About Drugs and Drug Use

Dr. Anthony Wong will be on campus Wednesday from 8:30 - 10:00 am in the Auditorium for a MS/HS Coffee

In this dialogue, the following topics will be addressed;

  1. What are the drugs available to our youngsters?
  2. What are the most dangerous drugs?
  3. How do drugs act and how do they cause addiction?
  4. Why do they drink and try drugs?
  5. What is addiction and how does it come about?
  6. How do I know my child is using drugs?
  7. What are the signs that my child is using drugs?
  8. What are the short and long term effects/consequences of drug use in a youngster?
  9. How can drug use be avoided or prevented?
  10. What can parents, community and school do to make their respective environments safe?

  • Drugs and alcohol seem to everywhere nowadays. Everyone who is famous, chic or in the headlines (whether good or bad) seems to be involved with them. Opinion polls seem to indicate that the majority of the people favor drug liberalization, but everyone you know seems to oppose it. Where is the truth?

  • There are so many drugs on the market, many new ones that appear more lethal. They are available to anyone and can be acquired over the internet. Bu they can be more readily purchased in raves, nightclubs, “danceterias”, or wherever young people meet. Even more dangerous is the fact that some are fake or counterfeit, more potent and addictive than the real ones.

  • All drugs, whether legal or illegal, can be dangerous, depending on the amount or purpose for which they are used. They are even more dangerous in young people, when their bodies and systems are still very immature. But it is worse when experimenting with alcohol and drugs at this age because addiction is much more likely at these early ages. 

  • We all have heard of the telltale signs and symptoms of drug use in youngsters. But let me tell you that when you detect these signs and symptoms, it is generally too late, for they appear only when addiction is already established. Many permanent and residual damages, especially to the brain and neural system, will have occurred.

To prevent this chain of events, it is necessary that we establish a healthy and secure ambience for our children, at home, in school and with friends. The first step is to know the enemy and how it infiltrates and acts. Next, we must gain the trust and respect of our children. And finally, establish programs, methods, goals and cooperative measures to prevent and curtail drugs and alcohol in the settings our children are exposed to.

And the end result of these efforts is that it was really worth it.

Anthony Wong, MD, PhD

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